Friday, September 17, 2010

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Week four and counting

So I changed my major to Political Science. I'm still working on my same degree (Associate of Arts in Teaching) and still plan to transfer to Weyland Baptist in the fall of next year to complete my degree. Tomorrow in Government class I have to argue on a Supreme Court case (Santa Fe ISD v. Doe) in which two families sued to the school district because of prayers before football games. I have a feeling my government professor is gonna hate me by the time the semester is over.

English essay due tomorrow. My topic? "Defining Classic Literature". I chose to write about The Great Gatsby which is one of my favorite books. (It was a great movie, too). We're discussing the Native Americans in History class and then it's on to the beginnings of Judaism in my Humanities class.

Everyone have a great weekend!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Second verse same as the... or not

Second week of school has gone off without too much of a hitch for the most part. I changed my major from English to Political Science, however. I'm enjoying the hell out of my Government class at the moment. The professor made us all Supreme Court justices yesterday in different cases that dealt with the "Establishment Clause". It was fun to argue both sides. Not that I'd ever go pre-law or anything. I do not have the time to go to law school after I'm done with everything else. I just want to teach and engage young minds to think for themselves and stop drinking the damn kool-aid (thanks to O'Reily).

Three day weekend this week in honor of Labor Day so I won't be back at school until Wednesday. History test over chapter 16 at that point. English essay due on Friday. Guess what I'm doing for the next couple of days off? ;)

Hope everyone else has a great weekend. Stay safe!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Week One of Fall Semester

Well, it was an interesting first week of school to say the least. The only sane teacher I seem to have is my English professor and she's really neat. I like her a lot. Got a 100 on my first essay for her class. My other professors are... interesting. My history professor was there when Dad went to SAC and Dad had him for history. My government professor is chairman of the department and believes we've all been brainwashed because we are forced as children to learn the pledge of allegiance. Go figure. My humanities professor is an airhead who is easily distracted. It should be a fun 16 weeks.

My Student Leadership course is neat. We meet on day a week for three hours. We'll be going to Washington, DC at some point in November. Can't wait for that trip!

So, there you have it. Week one is over and done with and week two about to begin. Here's where it starts to get exciting and busy. Hope everyone else out there is having as much fun as me for now.


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Six Days and Counting

Ahh... the fall semester is just around the corner. And I mean that quite literally. School starts back for me on Monday, August 23rd. I'm recovering well from surgery to remove my gallbladder and appendix so thank goodness for the rolling backpack Dad procured for me last semester. Another class switch-er-roo by the way. Classes for me will now be from 9am until 2pm and will be comprised of Government/Foreign Policy, Humanities part 1, Comp II, College Math, and US History II. So, five Academics instead of five Academics and one elective this semester. After the surgery and all, I just did not think I could handle 18 credit hours.

Have to get out and go back to school shopping either today or tomorrow. It's already 90 degrees outside. Blech.

Have a great last week of freedom my fellow schoolmates. See you on Monday.

Friday, July 2, 2010

One Week to Go

So, down to one last week of summer session and so far I have managed to maintain an A average in my math class. I'm excited! I won't be taking summer session 2... just do not have the funds for it right now. But that is okay. I need to break to get things done around the house and such. It's only a six or seven week break until fall semester starts so I can live with that.

Signed up for fall semester... I'll be taking Comp II, Beginning Conversational Italian, American Government II, American Music and US History II. If I can fit a Math class in somewhere, I might do that as well.

Happy 4th of July to all Patriots everywhere. God bless our men and women in the armed forces and God bless America.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Registered for Fall

So I got registered for all my classes except one and I will have to do that through an advisor. So, this fall it's back downtown to the main SAC campus where classes will start for me at 9am this fall. I'm taking American Government/Foreign Policy, US History Part 2, English Comp II, Conversational Italian and Music Appreciation. I am going to try tacking on either a Math class or a Literature class if possible. We will just have to wait and see. Dad thinks I need to just hold at 15 hours for Fall semester so I can keep up with my GPA. He's probably right.

I currently have a 97.8 in my Math 03o1 class this semester. Woo hoo!

Back to school on Monday. I like this summer schedule, though. Monday-Thursday in class and a three day weekend with which to study and do homework. Too bad I can't do that during the regular school year...


Sunday, June 13, 2010

Gotta Love the Summer

So... I made it through Spring Semester 2010 with a GPA of 3.5. Yay for me! I am now in Summer Session 1 (which started last Monday) taking Math 0301 because, yes, I suck at Math. However, this course is amazing (despite the Hitler-esque teacher) and I'm learning a lot thanks to the video lectures online. My first exam is Tuesday and summer 1 runs through July 7th. Then I have like 5 days break before Summer session 2 begins and it's on to Math 0302. Oh boy.

Fall Session will be busy. I'm taking 18 credit hours if I can get by with doing so. We shall see.

Everyone have a great summer!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Rounding the Last Turn

Three weeks left in the school year beginning on Monday. We're rounding the final turn as it were. I have finished all my papers for the semester. I'll get my Georgia O'Keeffe research paper back on Monday and I turn in my Reformation research paper on the 16th. At the moment, I am carrying a 3.5 GPA which is a good gpa to head into finals with I'm pretty sure. I've sent in all my paperwork for fall semester grants and scholarships. All I have to do now is wait until May 11th to request a current transcript that I can then turn in to the scholarship office so that they'll have my current GPA and can match me accordingly to the right scholarships. I'll also need a copy to turn into the Greek "squad" so that, if I still have a 3.5, I can join Phi Theta Kappa this summer. Yay!

Can't believe the semester is almost over. I'll be having knee surgery over the summer so no summer courses this year but I'll make time to get ahead on reading and such to prepare for Fall Semester 2010 :-)

For all of you in school, good luck in these final weeks. Everyone have a safe weekend.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Spring Break

Damn. Almost a month since my last post. Sorry about that. Things have been hectic at school and at home. Suffice it to say, I'm doing fairly well. Two A's and two B's right now so I can't complain. I spent today at the library working on two essays, one for English and one for History. Worked for 6 hours and finished my rough drafts for both papers. Yay me! I'm at the mid-way point in the semester. I had two mid-terms before Spring Break and I have two when I return next week. Kids and Dad are all on break this week, too. We might go see Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief tomorrow.

Guess that's it for this week. Not a whole lot to say or do. Joanna has to work all week, but she's excited about it because it means money for her ;)

Later everyone!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Ahhh... the end of the week from hell

But seriously, why am I complaining? It could have been worse... oh. Wait. It was...

Had a bad BAD seizure Monday morning, sometime between 3am and 530am (I know this because Nick woke me at 3am and it happened between then and when my alarm went off at 530) but I went on to school anyway Monday, thinking I'd be okay. Stayed through all my classes Monday because I had exams, came home and my head felt like it would explode. I had three nose bleeds between 12pm and 4pm. Dad and Joanna got home around 6 and we went to dinner. As we come back to the car from dinner, yep, another nose bleed, only this time, this one comes with a splitting pain in my head. Dad took me to the ER where they gave me Ativan for my seizures which knocks me out to begin with, but also Dilaudid for the pain. No wonder it took them 40 minutes to wake me up later on so I could go home.

Went to school Wednesday long enough to take more exams then came home and slept some more. I feel better today, though, so that's a plus.

Getting in to chapter 4 in Sociology and I'm enjoying this chapter. It deals with Culture and Society. Much less depressing than the first three chapters :)

Moving into the political arena and why people lean to the right or left in Government class.

We're moving towards the American Revolution in History class.

Essay time again in English. *sighs*

All in all, could have been worse, but I'd appreciate it greatly if the next week could be a little smoother. Thanks.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Mid Terms already?

Wow... five weeks down, and eleven more to go. Major exams this week in History and Sociology. One essay rough draft due in on Friday for English. My first set of notes for my History paper due Friday as well. Government is going to be starting another new chapter, something to do with foreign policy. Oh joy. All in all, though, I'm managing to keep a 3.5 GPA at the moment so I won't complain.

In other news, though, I'll be quite happy once Spring Break arrives next month. I'll need a week to decompress.


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Week Four...

So far, still so good. Although I did score an 84 on a Government quiz today. Blah. Guess I shouldn't complain. At least it's a B.

Picked out my book review/research project for History. It will be on the Reformation and I will focus on the differences between Martin Luther and John Calvin. Should be interesting.

Other than that, I'm keeping an A in all my other classes, although it's somewhat more difficult in my Sociology class than in the others. My English grade is a 98 and I have the highest grade in the class at the moment. Yay :-)

So I'm off to read chapter 4 of my History book and study for next Monday's Timeline Quiz in that class. Then I need to start reading "The Reformation" by Owen Chadwick and "A History of the Church in England" by J.R.H. Moorman for the book review/research project.

Paper on the Civil War due for English class on Friday. Need to do another look over on that.

See ya next week :)

Friday, January 22, 2010

Ahhh. The end of week two. Fourteen weeks to go until summer break ;-) It has been an interesting week by far. No classes this past Monday, but plenty of homework to do over the long weekend. More essay writing in English this week and a longer journal entry today. Government has been a review over chapters 1 and 2 in preparation for our first quiz next week. History was the same, reviewing chapters 1 and 2 for our timeline quiz next Friday. Sociology was a practice in patience as my professor can be a complete pain in the ass. I took issue with one of the homework quizzes and got pretty much smacked down for it. Asshole. Anywho... learning to graph our analysis data and such which was okay I guess. (I haven't looked at a graph in 17 years... wth?)

A not so quiet weekend approaches. I need to work on a scholarship essay and my son has Scout stuff going on tomorrow and the daughter has job interviews. Then it's church on Sunday and back to school on Monday.

I am, however, really enjoying my Pilates class. It's kicking my butt right now, but it's the kick I need to get myself motivated to keep going.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Great End to the First Week

Ahhh. So, here it is, the end of the first week of the semester and it was a good week. Scored a 96 on my first English essay and took two tests in Sociology and scored 100 and 98 respectively. Not a bad start at all.

Now I have 4 days off but I will probably get as much of my homework done today and tomorrow so that I can truly rest on Monday and Tuesday, Monday being MLK Day and there's no class.

Joanna tagged along with me today and stuck it out for four hours in the Common's Building working on some of her art work for school. She was excited about the cute college boys she got to see while waiting for me ;) We just finished lunch together. I miss not having alone time with her as much as I used to, but days like today make it all worth it.

Next week is research project time for Sociology and English both I believe. Our first Sociology project will be covering Marital Trends in the US. Not sure what the first English essay will cover since he hasn't yet assigned it to us. Book reviews starting next week in History and my first Government test is next Friday.

That's all for now :)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Spring Semester Day 2

Ahhh. So here we are, day 2 of Spring semester and I'm a little freaked out. Monday's homework assignments, due today, were the reading of 12 chapters for 4 classes. Just my English reading assignment was like 135 pages. Gahhhh!!! But, I got it all done. No worries there. Classes today required lectures, writing excercises, and real excercises (pilates). Homework for Friday includes journal entries for History, more reading for English and Government and Sociology. I'm excited about it all, don't get me wrong, but it's just going to take some time to get back in the groove so to speak. I have no doubt I'll be asleep by or before 10pm tonight.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Spring Semester around teh corner

So.... I'm an idiot and completely forgot about this blog. *smacks self in the head*

Finished out Fall Semester with a 3.0 GPA. I'm excited. Hopefully I can keep or raise that this coming Semester. I've added Sociology and Pilates to my schedule this semester and have switched campuses to one that is closer to me. Anywho... that's it for now. Dad and kids started back to school this past Monday so I've had the week to myself to buy books and get everything ready for Monday.

More this coming week.

This time I promise ;)