Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Week Four...

So far, still so good. Although I did score an 84 on a Government quiz today. Blah. Guess I shouldn't complain. At least it's a B.

Picked out my book review/research project for History. It will be on the Reformation and I will focus on the differences between Martin Luther and John Calvin. Should be interesting.

Other than that, I'm keeping an A in all my other classes, although it's somewhat more difficult in my Sociology class than in the others. My English grade is a 98 and I have the highest grade in the class at the moment. Yay :-)

So I'm off to read chapter 4 of my History book and study for next Monday's Timeline Quiz in that class. Then I need to start reading "The Reformation" by Owen Chadwick and "A History of the Church in England" by J.R.H. Moorman for the book review/research project.

Paper on the Civil War due for English class on Friday. Need to do another look over on that.

See ya next week :)

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