Friday, January 22, 2010

Ahhh. The end of week two. Fourteen weeks to go until summer break ;-) It has been an interesting week by far. No classes this past Monday, but plenty of homework to do over the long weekend. More essay writing in English this week and a longer journal entry today. Government has been a review over chapters 1 and 2 in preparation for our first quiz next week. History was the same, reviewing chapters 1 and 2 for our timeline quiz next Friday. Sociology was a practice in patience as my professor can be a complete pain in the ass. I took issue with one of the homework quizzes and got pretty much smacked down for it. Asshole. Anywho... learning to graph our analysis data and such which was okay I guess. (I haven't looked at a graph in 17 years... wth?)

A not so quiet weekend approaches. I need to work on a scholarship essay and my son has Scout stuff going on tomorrow and the daughter has job interviews. Then it's church on Sunday and back to school on Monday.

I am, however, really enjoying my Pilates class. It's kicking my butt right now, but it's the kick I need to get myself motivated to keep going.

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