Friday, February 19, 2010

Ahhh... the end of the week from hell

But seriously, why am I complaining? It could have been worse... oh. Wait. It was...

Had a bad BAD seizure Monday morning, sometime between 3am and 530am (I know this because Nick woke me at 3am and it happened between then and when my alarm went off at 530) but I went on to school anyway Monday, thinking I'd be okay. Stayed through all my classes Monday because I had exams, came home and my head felt like it would explode. I had three nose bleeds between 12pm and 4pm. Dad and Joanna got home around 6 and we went to dinner. As we come back to the car from dinner, yep, another nose bleed, only this time, this one comes with a splitting pain in my head. Dad took me to the ER where they gave me Ativan for my seizures which knocks me out to begin with, but also Dilaudid for the pain. No wonder it took them 40 minutes to wake me up later on so I could go home.

Went to school Wednesday long enough to take more exams then came home and slept some more. I feel better today, though, so that's a plus.

Getting in to chapter 4 in Sociology and I'm enjoying this chapter. It deals with Culture and Society. Much less depressing than the first three chapters :)

Moving into the political arena and why people lean to the right or left in Government class.

We're moving towards the American Revolution in History class.

Essay time again in English. *sighs*

All in all, could have been worse, but I'd appreciate it greatly if the next week could be a little smoother. Thanks.

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