Saturday, June 19, 2010

Registered for Fall

So I got registered for all my classes except one and I will have to do that through an advisor. So, this fall it's back downtown to the main SAC campus where classes will start for me at 9am this fall. I'm taking American Government/Foreign Policy, US History Part 2, English Comp II, Conversational Italian and Music Appreciation. I am going to try tacking on either a Math class or a Literature class if possible. We will just have to wait and see. Dad thinks I need to just hold at 15 hours for Fall semester so I can keep up with my GPA. He's probably right.

I currently have a 97.8 in my Math 03o1 class this semester. Woo hoo!

Back to school on Monday. I like this summer schedule, though. Monday-Thursday in class and a three day weekend with which to study and do homework. Too bad I can't do that during the regular school year...


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