Saturday, September 4, 2010

Second verse same as the... or not

Second week of school has gone off without too much of a hitch for the most part. I changed my major from English to Political Science, however. I'm enjoying the hell out of my Government class at the moment. The professor made us all Supreme Court justices yesterday in different cases that dealt with the "Establishment Clause". It was fun to argue both sides. Not that I'd ever go pre-law or anything. I do not have the time to go to law school after I'm done with everything else. I just want to teach and engage young minds to think for themselves and stop drinking the damn kool-aid (thanks to O'Reily).

Three day weekend this week in honor of Labor Day so I won't be back at school until Wednesday. History test over chapter 16 at that point. English essay due on Friday. Guess what I'm doing for the next couple of days off? ;)

Hope everyone else has a great weekend. Stay safe!

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