Friday, April 9, 2010

Rounding the Last Turn

Three weeks left in the school year beginning on Monday. We're rounding the final turn as it were. I have finished all my papers for the semester. I'll get my Georgia O'Keeffe research paper back on Monday and I turn in my Reformation research paper on the 16th. At the moment, I am carrying a 3.5 GPA which is a good gpa to head into finals with I'm pretty sure. I've sent in all my paperwork for fall semester grants and scholarships. All I have to do now is wait until May 11th to request a current transcript that I can then turn in to the scholarship office so that they'll have my current GPA and can match me accordingly to the right scholarships. I'll also need a copy to turn into the Greek "squad" so that, if I still have a 3.5, I can join Phi Theta Kappa this summer. Yay!

Can't believe the semester is almost over. I'll be having knee surgery over the summer so no summer courses this year but I'll make time to get ahead on reading and such to prepare for Fall Semester 2010 :-)

For all of you in school, good luck in these final weeks. Everyone have a safe weekend.

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