Saturday, December 10, 2011

End of Fall

And so, the fall semester is over. I've taken all my finals and grades will be posted by next Wednesday. I'm hoping to come out with a semester GPA of at least 3.25.

I am all registered for next semester: Intro to Ethics, Philosophy of World Religion, Physical Conditioning, Earth Science and Intro to Speech. Yay me :)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Spring Semester Registration

So, I registered for Spring Semester today. On MWF, I have Geology 1301, Fundamentals of Teaching 1301, and Speech 1311. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I have Introduction to Ethics 2306 and Philosophy of World Religions. I will be a busy girl come spring semester.

The trip to Italy in May is off. Maybe I can take the next trip. We shall see.

Finals for Fall Semester begin December 5th and run through December 10th. Grades have to be in by December 12th. I am keeping my fingers cross that I can pull out at least a 3.5 this semester which will bring my cumulative up to a 3.25 or a 3.3 depending.

This weekend will be spent writing the final draft of my World Lit research paper which is due next Wednesday before we get out for Thanksgiving break. After finals, we are out December 10th until the 18th of January so... like 5 weeks on break. It'll be nice.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Two and a half weeks left for the semester

So, it's down to the wire. I ended up dropping out of my psychology class last week because I wasn't learning anything and the professor wasn't helping anyone at all. So, I am left with Math, Architecture and World Lit. I turned in my photo essay for Architecture class today. My research paper for World Lit is due next Wednesday (the day before Thanksgiving mind you) and I have one more test in Math class. My math professor drops our lowest grade which means if I can make an A on the last test, I'll have an A for the semester. I've got an A in architecture and a C in Lit. But, I have a re-write of an essay, my research paper and my final exam so I think I can pull out a high B and maybe even an A if I'm lucky.

Next semester will be busy. The school changed the academic catalog and so, I thought I was more than 50% done with my degree plan. Nope. More classes to take than I'd first thought. *sighs* Looks like I'm at SAC for four more semesters instead of just two. Oh well. That's the way life rolls...

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Mid Terms are over

So, after mid-terms, I have an A in Architecture, an A in Math and a B in English. I am failing Psychology but I have decided to drop that course. I just can't deal with the idiot professor.

In other news, I'm applying to go to Italy in May and June for a study abroad program with the architecture department. I'll get 6 class credit hours while there. So, I'm taking an Italian course and a photography course next semester so I'll be ready. Of course... this will all only happen if I can come up with the $500 deposit I need by December 14th. Anyone wanna sponsor me for that??

So, for the most part school is going well this semester. Down to 8 weeks until finals. It's all downhill from here ;)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Studying abroad?

Yes, I am actually contemplating a study abroad program for Maymester 2012. There is a History of Architecture II class that will be taking place in Italy for 27 days in May. If I can get the appropriate grants and scholarships, I am very much tempted to go. Dad is encouraging me to do so. He says he and Joanna can handle things at home for a month and it's probably a once in a life time opportunity. It would also be a great way to get some world history and literary history in as well since I think we get to visit Greece as well while we are there.

In other news, I am enjoying my Architecture I class as well as my World Lit I class. I'm indifferent where the math class is concerned and I'm really not liking my psychology class at all. Failed my first exam in that class. It was over 4 freakin' chapters, though, so it did not help at all. I'm passing everything else right now. I have a Math exam tomorrow. *sigh*

So, for the most part, this first month of school has been a quick learning experience. Being a sophomore is certainly much busier than when I was a freshman....

Sunday, September 4, 2011


I hate Math.

I hate Math.

I really hate Math.

I have spent yesterday and today working my way through chapters 2 and 3 of my math book to try and comprehend what the hell it is we're doing in class. My teacher is Asian and I am only catching about every fourth or fifth word that she says. It SUCKS. I'm starting to think I should have just taken the damn calculus course.

My World Lit class is probably my only joy in school right now. And that has more to do with my professor than what we're reading. This is my 3rd semester with him now.

Architecture class is okay. I mean... it's Architecture. I find it a little hard to get too excited over how a building was formed but... I needed a humanities class.

Psychology is a whole other piece of work, lemme tell you. I'm learning things I probably have no business knowing and never needed or wanted to know in the first place. Not to mention, my instructor is somehow related to Dad's side of the family. I think he is ADHD and a little schizophrenic. He's funny as hell but just... damn. He will be talking and then jump to something else and the class is pretty much lost at that point. Oh well.

Third week of school starts this week. I start my work-study job soon. I'll be working in the library procession shipments and logging government and historical papers and such. Pays $7.25 an hour and I'll be working 19 hours a week. So, after taxes, I'll bring home roughly $500 a month. It'll help with the new phone bill now that all four of us have iPhones...


Monday, August 29, 2011

Week 1 is done

So, I made it through my first week at school. All of my teachers are interesting with Prof. Aguilar being the most sane of them all. Then too, this is my third semester with him so I knew what to expect with him. My psychology professor is just... strange and somehow related to me. Go figure. History of Architecture class is great so far if not a little to academic for my liking and my math class is... well, I have this feisty little Asian lady, retired military officer, and she is just funny as hell. I can't always understand what she says, but at least she writes legibly enough.

And the second week has begun so we shall see what all it brings.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Starting Soon

So, school starts on Monday. I've rearranged my schedule yet again. I'll be in class Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays. My classes are:

Introduction to Architecture
World Literature I
Teaching Mathematics
Introduction to Psychology.

Hopefully I will manage to pull out all A's this semester so I can get my GPA back up to where I had it prior to last semester.

Hope everyone had a safe/fun/blessed summer. Back to school we go!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Three weeks and counting

So, school starts in three weeks now. I'm excited. I know my daughter is excited, too.

My appeal of my probationary status was granted so I don't have to worry about my grant money not coming in. Yay for that.

Classes start on the 22nd. Wish me luck. I'll be updating more often once Fall semester gets into full swing.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Fall 2011

Fall semester starts August 22nd - in about five weeks. My daughter, Joanna, will be starting her first year at SAC at that time. I've already registered for my classes. She and I will both be going Tuesdays and Thursdays so that I can work Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. So my fall semester will consist of the following classes:

English 2322: Neoclassical Literature
Kine 1102: Cardio Class
Music 1306: History of American Music
Speech 1311: Introduction to Speech
Education 1301: Introduction to the Teaching Profession (Wednesday nights)

Joanna will be taking a typical first year set of courses:

English 1301
History 1301
Government 2302
Math 1314

It's going to be an interesting semester....

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Appeals Process

So... apparently since I had to drop fall semester due to my surgery and subsequent infections and illness resulting in that, I have to file an appeal with Financial Aid to keep from losing my grants and loans for school. *sighs*

I have already registered for fall semester, though, in hopes that I will be granted an appeals status. The classes I have registered for are World Literature, The Bible as Literature, Liberal Arts College Math and Speech Communication. I may add a PE course if I can find one that's in the afternoon.

My daughter, Joanna, has to get registered as well. We may do that on Monday when I go down to SAC to turn in all my information regarding my appeal.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

End of Sping Semester

Well, I really screwed up this semester. My cumulative GPA dropped from a 3.5 to a 2.8. I am going have to serious re-prioritize this fall. I may see if I can afford to take a class or two in Summer session 2 just to get my GPA back up. Easy classes that I know I can probably make A's in. Damn it all. I was doing so well, too. It's my own damn fault, though. I spent too much time on the computer and not enough time studying. I have got to get my act together before August that's just all there is to it. A 2.8. That's a friggin' C average. I can't have that. I really can't.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Final Exams - Spring 2011

So, tomorrow begins Finals week for me. I have two exams tomorrow (Government and Algebra), an English final on Thursday and the History final on Friday. As of right now I have a B in all classes except English and I have a high C to the best of my knowledge. Will know more on that tomorrow I think.

On that note, Friday is the end of Spring Semester for me and then I am out of class until August when fall semester starts. I'm hoping to find a summer job during my time off. The extra income would be nice.

I have studied until my mind won't except anymore information. I hope it all works out. I can't afford to have my GPA dropping at any point in this game.

Wish me luck!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Four Weeks to go.

So this last week didn't go too badly... except for the part where I think I flunked my Algebra test yesterday. Quadratic equations in fraction form when multiplying and dividing make no damn sense to me. I just... don't understand any of it. I guess I shouldn't stress out so much about it, but I do because I'm working so hard to keep up my GPA and a C in math would drop me down from where I'm at which means I could possibly lose my place in Phi Theta Kappa. Anyway. Just four more weeks. I have to keep everything at a B or better going into final exams. Then I'm out for the summer. I seriously need to get a summer job. I can not just sit around and do nothing. *sighs*

Monday, April 4, 2011

Five Weeks and Counting

Five weeks left of school, not counting final's week. I currently hold a B or better in everything but English and in there I have a C. I hope I can pull everything up at least one letter grade before finals and then keep my A/B status once finals are through. I am not going to be able to take any classes this summer. First off, nothing I need is being offered and secondly, money is too tight. I still need to find a way to register and pay to take the next four CLEP tests I need so that, come fall semester, I will only have to take four classes in the fall and another four in the Spring and then I can graduate from SAC in May of 2012 and be ready to start at (hopefully) Incarnate Word or Texas A&M, San Antonio in August of 2012. My plan and my hope is that I will graduate with my Bachelor's degree in May of 2014 and have my masters the next May. I'd like to be able to teach, though, while working on my Master's.

That's it for this check in. I'll try to do better and post something next week. Cheers!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Mid-Terms are done :)

Came through all my mid-terms with B's or better. Yay me.

Eight more weeks of school until I'm out for the summer. I'm hoping to find a summer job especially since I have now lost my health insurance and I will need the money from a job to pay for my prescription meds. Blah.

Need to really get working on my research paper for English. I really hope I can pull an A on it and come out of that class with an A for the semester. Not too worried about the other classes as of right now.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Mid-Term report

So it's been just a little over two months since my last post here. Today I took my mid-term for English 1302 and a mid-term type skills test for Tennis. I only scored an 18 our of 30 on my skills test and I won't know how I did in English until I return from Spring Break which begins on Saturday. Tomorrow I have my Algebra mid-term which scares the crap out of me. I'm doing fairly well in all my other classes so we shall see how it all goes when mid-term grades come out sometime at the end of next week.

Doesn't look like I'll be taking classes over the summer as of right now. I'm going to try and find a job. Not sure how that will go. Pray. It's all I can do.

Everyone have a good weekend and a safe Spring Break.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Spring Semester starts soon

Spring 2011 Semester starts for me on the 18th of January. So, I've got a little over two weeks before I head back to class. I'll be in class five days a week this time around. Four classes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and two classes on Tuesday and Thursday with an internet lab at some point during the week for my French class.

Classes this coming semester are:

English Comp 1302
History 1302
Government and Foreign Policy 2302
Math 0302
French 1411

It's going to be a busy year but I know I can do it.

Hope everyone had a great winter/Christmas break and that we're all ready to head back when the time comes.
