Thursday, November 17, 2011

Spring Semester Registration

So, I registered for Spring Semester today. On MWF, I have Geology 1301, Fundamentals of Teaching 1301, and Speech 1311. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I have Introduction to Ethics 2306 and Philosophy of World Religions. I will be a busy girl come spring semester.

The trip to Italy in May is off. Maybe I can take the next trip. We shall see.

Finals for Fall Semester begin December 5th and run through December 10th. Grades have to be in by December 12th. I am keeping my fingers cross that I can pull out at least a 3.5 this semester which will bring my cumulative up to a 3.25 or a 3.3 depending.

This weekend will be spent writing the final draft of my World Lit research paper which is due next Wednesday before we get out for Thanksgiving break. After finals, we are out December 10th until the 18th of January so... like 5 weeks on break. It'll be nice.

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