Monday, November 14, 2011

Two and a half weeks left for the semester

So, it's down to the wire. I ended up dropping out of my psychology class last week because I wasn't learning anything and the professor wasn't helping anyone at all. So, I am left with Math, Architecture and World Lit. I turned in my photo essay for Architecture class today. My research paper for World Lit is due next Wednesday (the day before Thanksgiving mind you) and I have one more test in Math class. My math professor drops our lowest grade which means if I can make an A on the last test, I'll have an A for the semester. I've got an A in architecture and a C in Lit. But, I have a re-write of an essay, my research paper and my final exam so I think I can pull out a high B and maybe even an A if I'm lucky.

Next semester will be busy. The school changed the academic catalog and so, I thought I was more than 50% done with my degree plan. Nope. More classes to take than I'd first thought. *sighs* Looks like I'm at SAC for four more semesters instead of just two. Oh well. That's the way life rolls...

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