Thursday, March 10, 2011

Mid-Term report

So it's been just a little over two months since my last post here. Today I took my mid-term for English 1302 and a mid-term type skills test for Tennis. I only scored an 18 our of 30 on my skills test and I won't know how I did in English until I return from Spring Break which begins on Saturday. Tomorrow I have my Algebra mid-term which scares the crap out of me. I'm doing fairly well in all my other classes so we shall see how it all goes when mid-term grades come out sometime at the end of next week.

Doesn't look like I'll be taking classes over the summer as of right now. I'm going to try and find a job. Not sure how that will go. Pray. It's all I can do.

Everyone have a good weekend and a safe Spring Break.

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