Friday, January 22, 2010

Ahhh. The end of week two. Fourteen weeks to go until summer break ;-) It has been an interesting week by far. No classes this past Monday, but plenty of homework to do over the long weekend. More essay writing in English this week and a longer journal entry today. Government has been a review over chapters 1 and 2 in preparation for our first quiz next week. History was the same, reviewing chapters 1 and 2 for our timeline quiz next Friday. Sociology was a practice in patience as my professor can be a complete pain in the ass. I took issue with one of the homework quizzes and got pretty much smacked down for it. Asshole. Anywho... learning to graph our analysis data and such which was okay I guess. (I haven't looked at a graph in 17 years... wth?)

A not so quiet weekend approaches. I need to work on a scholarship essay and my son has Scout stuff going on tomorrow and the daughter has job interviews. Then it's church on Sunday and back to school on Monday.

I am, however, really enjoying my Pilates class. It's kicking my butt right now, but it's the kick I need to get myself motivated to keep going.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Great End to the First Week

Ahhh. So, here it is, the end of the first week of the semester and it was a good week. Scored a 96 on my first English essay and took two tests in Sociology and scored 100 and 98 respectively. Not a bad start at all.

Now I have 4 days off but I will probably get as much of my homework done today and tomorrow so that I can truly rest on Monday and Tuesday, Monday being MLK Day and there's no class.

Joanna tagged along with me today and stuck it out for four hours in the Common's Building working on some of her art work for school. She was excited about the cute college boys she got to see while waiting for me ;) We just finished lunch together. I miss not having alone time with her as much as I used to, but days like today make it all worth it.

Next week is research project time for Sociology and English both I believe. Our first Sociology project will be covering Marital Trends in the US. Not sure what the first English essay will cover since he hasn't yet assigned it to us. Book reviews starting next week in History and my first Government test is next Friday.

That's all for now :)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Spring Semester Day 2

Ahhh. So here we are, day 2 of Spring semester and I'm a little freaked out. Monday's homework assignments, due today, were the reading of 12 chapters for 4 classes. Just my English reading assignment was like 135 pages. Gahhhh!!! But, I got it all done. No worries there. Classes today required lectures, writing excercises, and real excercises (pilates). Homework for Friday includes journal entries for History, more reading for English and Government and Sociology. I'm excited about it all, don't get me wrong, but it's just going to take some time to get back in the groove so to speak. I have no doubt I'll be asleep by or before 10pm tonight.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Spring Semester around teh corner

So.... I'm an idiot and completely forgot about this blog. *smacks self in the head*

Finished out Fall Semester with a 3.0 GPA. I'm excited. Hopefully I can keep or raise that this coming Semester. I've added Sociology and Pilates to my schedule this semester and have switched campuses to one that is closer to me. Anywho... that's it for now. Dad and kids started back to school this past Monday so I've had the week to myself to buy books and get everything ready for Monday.

More this coming week.

This time I promise ;)