Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Fall Semester 2012

Well, I'm pretty much ready for fall semester to start. I will have Philosophy, Italian, World Literature II, and Creative Writing. I'm also going to be working at the school part time as an English tutor. My former English professor and academic advisor is thrilled because he's always telling me how his new 1301 Composition students have no writing skills at all, apparently. So that's 19 hours a week when I'm not in class or studying. Also, Nicholas is working in a home school program this year so that should be interesting too.

I'm excited for this year. It will be my last year at SAC. If I wasn't going to Italy next May, I could have added another English class to this semester and graduated in December. However, I want to go to Italy so, graduation will be at the end of Maymester when we get back from Italy. I have a 3.25 GPA over all so if I can manage straight A's from now until the end of Maymester, I'll be able to graduate with honors at above a 3.5 GPA.

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