Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Final Exams are Coming...

Well, I'm walking all my finals except for Science and today I just completed a 20 page Final Exam review for that particular test. I have one more test (tomorrow), plus two project grades before the final exam. My hope is that these three grades, the test and the two projects, will get me a high enough C so that, if I make an A on the final, I might come out with a B.

I'll be taking Biology for Non-Science majors during Summer Session I. I may pick up another class in Session II but I haven't decided yet. We'll just have to wait and see.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Spring Semester is almost done

Final exams are the first week of May. I only have to take one of my four exams. I have A's in my Ethics and Religion classes and in my Speech class so I get to walk all three finals. Science, on the other hand, is killing me. I have a C. I need to make A's on everything else over the next three weeks so that I can either come out with a high C or a low B for the semester. 3 As and 1 B will give me a semester gpa of 3.75. 3 As and 1 C will give me a semester gpa of 3.5. Either will get me back into Phi Theta Kappa which I really want to do.

On another note. I have the best Dad in the entire world. He told me to go ahead and sign up for Summer Session I so that I could get my Biology class out of the way and not have to worry about having other classes to deal with while taking my science class. He's going to pay for the class for me. I love my Daddy so much. Hopefully I can work enough during June to make enough to sign up for a Lit course in Summer Session II. That will bring me that much closer to finishing my degree. I have completed 38 semester hours as of right now. I have 22 hours left to complete before I can graduate from SAC and transfer to either A&M San Antonio or UTSA, whoever offers me the best financial aid packet.

Wish me luck!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Down to five

Five weeks left of school... well four weeks really because the last week is all Final Exams. As of right now, I have a 95 in Philosophy of Religion, 90 in Ethics, 96 in Speech and a 74 in Science. I really need to get my freakin' Science grade up before final exams. At this point, I can probably get out of taking the final exam for Ethics and Religion both since I have A's in both classes. As for Science, it's not that I don't enjoy the class. I actually do. It's just... hard to remember all the damn terms. I'll be glad for summer break but, knowing me, I'll get two or three weeks into the summer and want to go back to class...