Friday, February 17, 2012

5 weeks into the semester

So far, so good... kind of. Science class is kicking my ass but I'm really trying to get into the swing of it. I was never good at science in high school and I figured and Earth Sciences class would be the easiest way to go. I was apparently wrong. *sigh* Not that I'm like failing or anything, but I've only got a C in the class at the moment. I really have to pass Monday's exam. Like... with an A or something...

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Spring Semester 2012

So, Spring Semester has begun an we are three weeks into the semester. I have Earth Sciences and Speech on Mondays and Wednesdays and Ethics, Religion, and Physical Fitness on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I have three papers due in the coming week and I'm a little freaked out by it all. My Religion class is killing me because it's a Philosophy of Religion class and there are people in it that don't have any belief in God and some of their ideas and comments just really hurt. Dad says I just have to take what they say with a grain of salt and let it go because I know my beliefs and it's okay if no one feels the same. Let them believe what they want because they can't change the fact that I believe in God and that I take much of my religious knowledge and beliefs on faith alone. I'll be okay. It will just take time.