Thursday, September 15, 2011

Studying abroad?

Yes, I am actually contemplating a study abroad program for Maymester 2012. There is a History of Architecture II class that will be taking place in Italy for 27 days in May. If I can get the appropriate grants and scholarships, I am very much tempted to go. Dad is encouraging me to do so. He says he and Joanna can handle things at home for a month and it's probably a once in a life time opportunity. It would also be a great way to get some world history and literary history in as well since I think we get to visit Greece as well while we are there.

In other news, I am enjoying my Architecture I class as well as my World Lit I class. I'm indifferent where the math class is concerned and I'm really not liking my psychology class at all. Failed my first exam in that class. It was over 4 freakin' chapters, though, so it did not help at all. I'm passing everything else right now. I have a Math exam tomorrow. *sigh*

So, for the most part, this first month of school has been a quick learning experience. Being a sophomore is certainly much busier than when I was a freshman....

Sunday, September 4, 2011


I hate Math.

I hate Math.

I really hate Math.

I have spent yesterday and today working my way through chapters 2 and 3 of my math book to try and comprehend what the hell it is we're doing in class. My teacher is Asian and I am only catching about every fourth or fifth word that she says. It SUCKS. I'm starting to think I should have just taken the damn calculus course.

My World Lit class is probably my only joy in school right now. And that has more to do with my professor than what we're reading. This is my 3rd semester with him now.

Architecture class is okay. I mean... it's Architecture. I find it a little hard to get too excited over how a building was formed but... I needed a humanities class.

Psychology is a whole other piece of work, lemme tell you. I'm learning things I probably have no business knowing and never needed or wanted to know in the first place. Not to mention, my instructor is somehow related to Dad's side of the family. I think he is ADHD and a little schizophrenic. He's funny as hell but just... damn. He will be talking and then jump to something else and the class is pretty much lost at that point. Oh well.

Third week of school starts this week. I start my work-study job soon. I'll be working in the library procession shipments and logging government and historical papers and such. Pays $7.25 an hour and I'll be working 19 hours a week. So, after taxes, I'll bring home roughly $500 a month. It'll help with the new phone bill now that all four of us have iPhones...
