Sunday, August 29, 2010

Week One of Fall Semester

Well, it was an interesting first week of school to say the least. The only sane teacher I seem to have is my English professor and she's really neat. I like her a lot. Got a 100 on my first essay for her class. My other professors are... interesting. My history professor was there when Dad went to SAC and Dad had him for history. My government professor is chairman of the department and believes we've all been brainwashed because we are forced as children to learn the pledge of allegiance. Go figure. My humanities professor is an airhead who is easily distracted. It should be a fun 16 weeks.

My Student Leadership course is neat. We meet on day a week for three hours. We'll be going to Washington, DC at some point in November. Can't wait for that trip!

So, there you have it. Week one is over and done with and week two about to begin. Here's where it starts to get exciting and busy. Hope everyone else out there is having as much fun as me for now.


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Six Days and Counting

Ahh... the fall semester is just around the corner. And I mean that quite literally. School starts back for me on Monday, August 23rd. I'm recovering well from surgery to remove my gallbladder and appendix so thank goodness for the rolling backpack Dad procured for me last semester. Another class switch-er-roo by the way. Classes for me will now be from 9am until 2pm and will be comprised of Government/Foreign Policy, Humanities part 1, Comp II, College Math, and US History II. So, five Academics instead of five Academics and one elective this semester. After the surgery and all, I just did not think I could handle 18 credit hours.

Have to get out and go back to school shopping either today or tomorrow. It's already 90 degrees outside. Blech.

Have a great last week of freedom my fellow schoolmates. See you on Monday.