Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Orientation/Student Development Day 1

So, today was the first day of Student Development/Orientation at SAC (San Antonio College). I can't believe how amazing it was! For the past few months I have been anxious bordering on fearful of starting college. I mean, think about it. I AM 35 years old, soon to be 36, with a daughter who will be in college in 2 years and a son who starts 4th grade this fall. Should I really be doing this??

Dad and I agree that, yes, I should. So, here I am.

I want to teach Social Studies in either middle or high school. I will also plan to get certified in English as well, that way I have plenty of teaching options available once I finish my Bach. Degree. Once I start teaching, I'll use my summer breaks to work on my Master's Degree and eventually my Doctorate.

So I am using this blog to keep track of the next four years. Sometime this coming weekend, I'll list my classes for Fall Semester, my degree plan, and some other information as well.

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