Thursday, May 10, 2012

Woo Hoo!!!

So my Spring Semester grades have posted and I finished with 3 a's and 1 C giving me a semester gpa of 3.5. I'm
So happy! I have three weeks until summer session starts and then I'll be taking just the one biology class so I plan on working really hard to get an A.

All in all I am pleased with the semester grades.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

End of Spring Semester

My one and only final of the semester has been taken so I am officially done with Spring Semester 2012. Now I just have to wait for grades to post an that could take a week from what I've heard. Ah well. I have four weeks to rest until Summer session starts and I get into Biology 1408. I'll be in class Monday - Thursday from 8am until 12pm. I'm actually excited. Only taking one class means I can devote all my study time to just Biology. Yay :)

I can register for fall semester beginning next week. Looking forward to that.