Monday, August 29, 2011

Week 1 is done

So, I made it through my first week at school. All of my teachers are interesting with Prof. Aguilar being the most sane of them all. Then too, this is my third semester with him so I knew what to expect with him. My psychology professor is just... strange and somehow related to me. Go figure. History of Architecture class is great so far if not a little to academic for my liking and my math class is... well, I have this feisty little Asian lady, retired military officer, and she is just funny as hell. I can't always understand what she says, but at least she writes legibly enough.

And the second week has begun so we shall see what all it brings.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Starting Soon

So, school starts on Monday. I've rearranged my schedule yet again. I'll be in class Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays. My classes are:

Introduction to Architecture
World Literature I
Teaching Mathematics
Introduction to Psychology.

Hopefully I will manage to pull out all A's this semester so I can get my GPA back up to where I had it prior to last semester.

Hope everyone had a safe/fun/blessed summer. Back to school we go!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Three weeks and counting

So, school starts in three weeks now. I'm excited. I know my daughter is excited, too.

My appeal of my probationary status was granted so I don't have to worry about my grant money not coming in. Yay for that.

Classes start on the 22nd. Wish me luck. I'll be updating more often once Fall semester gets into full swing.