Tuesday, May 17, 2011

End of Sping Semester

Well, I really screwed up this semester. My cumulative GPA dropped from a 3.5 to a 2.8. I am going have to serious re-prioritize this fall. I may see if I can afford to take a class or two in Summer session 2 just to get my GPA back up. Easy classes that I know I can probably make A's in. Damn it all. I was doing so well, too. It's my own damn fault, though. I spent too much time on the computer and not enough time studying. I have got to get my act together before August that's just all there is to it. A 2.8. That's a friggin' C average. I can't have that. I really can't.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Final Exams - Spring 2011

So, tomorrow begins Finals week for me. I have two exams tomorrow (Government and Algebra), an English final on Thursday and the History final on Friday. As of right now I have a B in all classes except English and I have a high C to the best of my knowledge. Will know more on that tomorrow I think.

On that note, Friday is the end of Spring Semester for me and then I am out of class until August when fall semester starts. I'm hoping to find a summer job during my time off. The extra income would be nice.

I have studied until my mind won't except anymore information. I hope it all works out. I can't afford to have my GPA dropping at any point in this game.

Wish me luck!