Saturday, April 9, 2011

Four Weeks to go.

So this last week didn't go too badly... except for the part where I think I flunked my Algebra test yesterday. Quadratic equations in fraction form when multiplying and dividing make no damn sense to me. I just... don't understand any of it. I guess I shouldn't stress out so much about it, but I do because I'm working so hard to keep up my GPA and a C in math would drop me down from where I'm at which means I could possibly lose my place in Phi Theta Kappa. Anyway. Just four more weeks. I have to keep everything at a B or better going into final exams. Then I'm out for the summer. I seriously need to get a summer job. I can not just sit around and do nothing. *sighs*

Monday, April 4, 2011

Five Weeks and Counting

Five weeks left of school, not counting final's week. I currently hold a B or better in everything but English and in there I have a C. I hope I can pull everything up at least one letter grade before finals and then keep my A/B status once finals are through. I am not going to be able to take any classes this summer. First off, nothing I need is being offered and secondly, money is too tight. I still need to find a way to register and pay to take the next four CLEP tests I need so that, come fall semester, I will only have to take four classes in the fall and another four in the Spring and then I can graduate from SAC in May of 2012 and be ready to start at (hopefully) Incarnate Word or Texas A&M, San Antonio in August of 2012. My plan and my hope is that I will graduate with my Bachelor's degree in May of 2014 and have my masters the next May. I'd like to be able to teach, though, while working on my Master's.

That's it for this check in. I'll try to do better and post something next week. Cheers!